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Sunday, July 31, 2011


After enjoying the first episode, the second and third episodes Cabal and Ratking have disappointed. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly is the problem. Casting is not necessarily an issue --- After all, James Caan and Marlon Brando as Sicilians never bothered anyone.

I think there is something wrong with the pacing of the stories, either in the original novels or the TV direction. It just doesn't work.


CAVA said...


Little Meatball said...

Coppola 的讲故事的功力那是,很少有人能沾上他的衣角。我觉得教父(影片)跟GRRM写的故事有一定相通的地方,一方面有现实的残忍和世故,一方面又不缺人性里的温情。而中国的故事,即使是好看的,也都是偏重前者而欠缺后者,有温情的要么假要么无世故,总之没有二者合一的产品。不知道为什么。


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